Journée Verte / Clean-up Day

On Saturday March, 25th 2023, some of our associates and their family went to La Rochelle for a clean-up day with AGENCE EKILIBRE.

During that day, they were able to :

  • Discover ECHO-MER, a charity that raises awareness on marine pollution, creates reintegration programs in jail that recycle waste, and organizes clean-up actions on beaches and ports.
  • Clean-up a beach : 72 kg of trash were gatherd in an hour and recycled
  • Discussion around waste that can be found at sea or on beaches and its impact
  • Learn about eco-friendly methods to produce oyster
  • Visit the aquarium to see the different species endangered by marine pollution.

This day was really impactful and showed us the impact that human activity has on our planet. It proves that daily actions can and should be implemented to reduce this impact.

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